I. Spring Framework 总览
介绍 Spring Framework
II. Spring Framework 4.x 新特性
Spring Framework 4.0中的新功能和增强功能
Java 8(以及6和7)
Java EE 6 和 7
Groovy Bean Definition DSL
WebSocket, SockJS, 和 STOMP 消息
Spring Framework 4.1中的新功能和增强功能
JMS 改进
Web 改进
WebSocket STOMP 消息 改进
测试 改进
Spring Framework 4.2中的新功能和增强功能
JMS 改进
Web 改进
WebSocket 消息改进
Spring Framework 4.3中的新功能和增强功能
III. 核心技术
IoC 容器
介绍 Spring IoC 容器和 bean
Bean 总览
Bean definition inheritance
使用JSR 330标准注解
5.14. Registering a LoadTimeWeaver
5.15. Additional Capabilities of the ApplicationContext
5.16. The BeanFactory
6. Resources
6.1. Introduction
6.2. The Resource interface
6.3. Built-in Resource implementations
6.4. The ResourceLoader
6.5. The ResourceLoaderAware interface
6.6. Resources as dependencies
6.7. Application contexts and Resource paths
7. Validation, Data Binding, and Type Conversion
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Validation using Spring’s Validator interface
7.3. Resolving codes to error messages
7.4. Bean manipulation and the BeanWrapper
7.5. Spring Type Conversion
7.6. Spring Field Formatting
7.7. Configuring a global date & time format
7.8. Spring Validation
Spring Expression Language-SpEL
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Feature Overview
8.3. Expression Evaluation using Spring’s Expression Interface
8.4. Expression support for defining bean definitions
8.5. Language Reference
8.6. Classes used in the examples
Spring AOP 编程
10.1. Introduction
10.2. @AspectJ support
9.3. Schema-based AOP support
9.4. Choosing which AOP declaration style to use
9.5. Mixing aspect types
9.6. Proxying mechanisms
9.7. Programmatic creation of @AspectJ Proxies
9.8. Using AspectJ with Spring applications
9.9. Further Resources
10. Spring AOP APIs
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Pointcut API in Spring
10.3. Advice API in Spring
10.4. Advisor API in Spring
10.5. Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies
10.6. Concise proxy definitions
10.7. Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory
10.8. Manipulating advised objects
10.9. Using the "auto-proxy" facility
10.10. Using TargetSources
10.11. Defining new Advice types
10.12. Further resources
11. Testing
11.1. Introduction to Spring Testing
11.2. Unit Testing
11.3. Integration Testing
11.4. Further Resources
IV. 数据访问
12. Transaction Management
12.1. Introduction to Spring Framework transaction management
12.2. Advantages of the Spring Framework’s transaction support model
12.3. Understanding the Spring Framework transaction abstraction
12.4. Synchronizing resources with transactions
12.5. Declarative transaction management
12.6. Programmatic transaction management
12.7. Choosing between programmatic and declarative transaction management
12.8. Application server-specific integration
12.9. Solutions to common problems
12.10. Further Resources
13. DAO support
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Consistent exception hierarchy
13.3. Annotations used for configuring DAO or Repository classes
14. Data access with JDBC
14.1. Introduction to Spring Framework JDBC
14.2. Using the JDBC core classes to control basic JDBC processing and error handling
14.3. Controlling database connections
14.4. JDBC batch operations
14.5. Simplifying JDBC operations with the SimpleJdbc classes
14.6. Modeling JDBC operations as Java objects
14.7. Common problems with parameter and data value handling
14.8. Embedded database support
14.9. Initializing a DataSource
15. 对象关系映射(ORM)数据访问
15.1. Spring 中的 ORM
15.2. 常见的 ORM 集成方面的注意事项
15.3. Hibernate
15.4. JDO
15.5. JPA
16. Marshalling XML using O/X Mappers
16.1. Introduction
16.2. Marshaller and Unmarshaller
16.3. Using Marshaller and Unmarshaller
16.4. XML Schema-based Configuration
16.5. JAXB
16.6. Castor
16.7. XMLBeans
16.8. JiBX
16.9. XStream
V. The Web
17. Web MVC framework
17.1. Introduction to Spring Web MVC framework
17.2. The DispatcherServlet
17.3. Implementing Controllers
17.4. Handler mappings
17.5. Resolving views
17.6. Using flash attributes
17.7. Building URIs
17.8. Using locales
17.9. Using themes
17.10. Spring’s multipart (file upload) support
17.11. Handling exceptions
17.12. Web Security
17.13. Convention over configuration support
17.14. ETag support
17.15. Code-based Servlet container initialization
17.16. Configuring Spring MVC
18. View technologies
18.1. Introduction
18.2. JSP & JSTL
18.3. Tiles
18.4. Velocity & FreeMarker
18.5. XSLT
18.6. Document views (PDF/Excel)
18.7. JasperReports
18.8. Feed Views
18.9. XML Marshalling View
18.10. JSON Mapping View
18.11. XML Mapping View
19. Integrating with other web frameworks
19.1. Introduction
19.2. Common configuration
19.3. JavaServer Faces 1.2
19.4. Apache Struts 2.x
19.5. Tapestry 5.x
19.6. Further Resources
20. Portlet MVC Framework
20.1. Introduction
20.2. The DispatcherPortlet
20.3. The ViewRendererServlet
20.4. Controllers
20.5. Handler mappings
20.6. Views and resolving them
20.7. Multipart (file upload) support
20.8. Handling exceptions
20.9. Annotation-based controller configuration
20.10. Portlet application deployment
21. WebSocket Support
21.1. Introduction
21.2. WebSocket API
21.3. SockJS Fallback Options
21.4. STOMP Over WebSocket Messaging Architecture
VI. Integration
22. Remoting and web services using Spring
22.1. Introduction
22.2. Exposing services using RMI
22.3. Using Hessian or Burlap to remotely call services via HTTP
22.4. Exposing services using HTTP invokers
22.5. Web services
22.6. JMS
22.7. AMQP
22.8. Auto-detection is not implemented for remote interfaces
22.9. Considerations when choosing a technology
22.10. Accessing RESTful services on the Client
23. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) integration
23.1. Introduction
23.2. Accessing EJBs
23.3. Using Spring’s EJB implementation support classes
24. JMS (Java Message Service)
24.1. Introduction
24.2. Using Spring JMS
24.3. Sending a Message
24.4. Receiving a message
24.5. Support for JCA Message Endpoints
24.6. Annotation-driven listener endpoints
24.7. JMS Namespace Support
25. JMX
25.1. Introduction
25.2. Exporting your beans to JMX
25.3. Controlling the management interface of your beans
25.4. Controlling the ObjectNames for your beans
25.5. JSR-160 Connectors
25.6. Accessing MBeans via Proxies
25.7. Notifications
25.8. Further Resources
26.1. Introduction
26.2. Configuring CCI
26.3. Using Spring’s CCI access support
26.4. Modeling CCI access as operation objects
26.5. Transactions
27. Email
27.1. Introduction
27.2. Usage
27.3. Using the JavaMail MimeMessageHelper
28. Task Execution and Scheduling
28.1. Introduction
28.2. The Spring TaskExecutor abstraction
28.3. The Spring TaskScheduler abstraction
28.4. Annotation Support for Scheduling and Asynchronous Execution
28.5. The Task Namespace
28.6. Using the Quartz Scheduler
29. Dynamic language support
29.1. Introduction
29.2. A first example
29.3. Defining beans that are backed by dynamic languages
29.4. Scenarios
29.5. Bits and bobs
29.6. Further Resources
30. Cache Abstraction
30.1. Introduction
30.2. Understanding the cache abstraction
30.3. Declarative annotation-based caching
30.4. JCache (JSR-107) annotations
30.5. Declarative XML-based caching
30.6. Configuring the cache storage
30.7. Plugging-in different back-end caches
30.8. How can I set the TTL/TTI/Eviction policy/XXX feature?
VII. Appendices
31. Migrating to Spring Framework 4.0
32. Classic Spring Usage
32.1. Classic ORM usage
32.2. Classic Spring MVC
32.3. JMS Usage
33. Classic Spring AOP Usage
33.1. Pointcut API in Spring
33.2. Advice API in Spring
33.3. Advisor API in Spring
33.4. Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies
33.5. Concise proxy definitions
33.6. Creating AOP proxies programmatically with the ProxyFactory
33.7. Manipulating advised objects
33.8. Using the "autoproxy" facility
33.9. Using TargetSources
33.10. Defining new Advice types
33.11. Further resources
34. XML Schema-based configuration
34.1. Introduction
34.2. XML Schema-based configuration
35. Extensible XML authoring
35.1. Introduction
35.2. Authoring the schema
35.3. Coding a NamespaceHandler
35.4. BeanDefinitionParser
35.5. Registering the handler and the schema
35.6. Using a custom extension in your Spring XML configuration
35.7. Meatier examples
35.8. Further Resources
36. spring.tld
36.1. Introduction
36.2. the bind tag
36.3. the escapeBody tag
36.4. the hasBindErrors tag
36.5. the htmlEscape tag
36.6. the message tag
36.7. the nestedPath tag
36.8. the theme tag
36.9. the transform tag
36.10. the url tag
36.11. the eval tag
37. spring-form.tld
37.1. Introduction
37.2. the checkbox tag
37.3. the checkboxes tag
37.4. the errors tag
37.5. the form tag
37.6. the hidden tag
37.7. the input tag
37.8. the label tag
37.9. the option tag
37.10. the options tag
37.11. the password tag
37.12. the radiobutton tag
37.13. the radiobuttons tag
37.14. the select tag
37.15. the textarea tag
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Spring AOP 编程
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